Offres spéciale Américan Airlines sur les vols internes

Des offres intéressantes sur des vols internes

envoyée par le 20/01/2010,  lien source 

Conditions de l’offre: Acheter les billets avant le 21 janvier 2010, voyage jusqu’au 10 mars 2010

Exemple de tarifs AR par adulte (ajouter taxe and fees, cf exemple ci-dessous)
Baltimore-New York City$112
Boston-New York City$98
Chicago-New York City$118
Detroit-St Louis$118
Los Angeles-Las Vegas$118
Miami-New York City$168
Nashville-Las Vegas$198
New York City-Pittsburgh$78
New York City-St Louis$124
Phoenix-New York City$198
San Diego-New York City$198
Seattle-New York City$198 + 33$ taxe and fees = 230$ (one stop, sans escale = 242+22 taxe and fees = 264$)
St Louis-Minneapolis/St Paul$98
Washington-New York City$98


Mon Avertissement :
Depuis l’augmentation du prix du carburant les compagnies ont modifié leur prix. Ainsi ont-elles décidé pour un grand nombre d’entre elles de répercuter l’augmentation du prix du pétrole à travers la taxation des bagages en soute.
Donc pensez avant de prendre un billet intra-USA, à prendre connaissance du prix des bagages en soute de la compagnie et incluez le dans le coût de votre billet !
Ainsi par ex, à l’heure où j’ai reçu cette offre, American Airlines augmentait ses tarifs et appliquait les prix suivants pour les voyages internes :
25$ pour le premier bagage et 35$ pour le second… de quoi faire augmenter fortement le prix de votre billet !
Taxes and fees (de l’offre)
Please read the following carefully.
Display of fares, taxes and fees in:
Advertising: Fares shown in off-site and on-site advertisements include the service fee described below that may apply and some, but not all, applicable taxes, charges and government-imposed fees.
Fli (ght Cost Summary: On the Flight Cost Summary page, and all subsequent pages leading to a booking, all taxes, charges (including fuel surcharges), service fees, and government and airport authority fees are either included in the fare or itemized separately to provide a total trip cost.
Government and other authority taxes and fees:
September 11 Security Fee: A September 11 Security Fee of $2.50 USD applies per flight segment (maximum charge per trip–$5.00 USD one-way, $10.00 USD round-trip). A flight segment is defined as one takeoff and one landing.
Passenger Facility Charges: Passenger Facility Charges (PFCs) of up to $18.00 USD may apply, depending upon the itinerary chosen.
Federal Excise Tax: A 7.5% domestic tax applied to the airline base fare. The tax may be pro-rated for flights to/from the 48 contiguous U.S. states and Alaska and Hawaii, and some international destinations. A Travel Facilities Tax of $8.10 USD per direction also applies to flights to/from Alaska and Hawaii and the 48 contiguous U.S. states or between Alaska and Hawaii.
Federal Domestic Flight Segment Fee: A federal domestic flight segment fee of $3.70 USD applies per flight segment. A flight segment is defined as one takeoff and one landing.
U.S. or International Departure and Arrival Charges: U.S. or international departure and arrival charges of up to $200.00 USD may apply, depending upon the itinerary chosen.
Orbitz fees:
Service Fee: Airline tickets booked on for multi-carrier itineraries and flights that originate outside of the United States, Canada, Mexico and the Caribbean carry a non-refundable fee ranging from $6.99 to $11.99 USD. The fee varies based on airfare, carrier, destination and other factors.
On changes to previously issued tickets that require new tickets to be issued, a $30.00 USD service fee will be charged by Orbitz. Additional charges by the airline may apply.
The current maximum number of tickets per transaction is nine. Purchasing more than nine tickets begins a new transaction with its own fees. Orbitz’ service fee applies to both e-tickets and paper tickets. Our processing fee and if applicable, an airline-imposed paper ticket fee also apply to paper tickets.
Orbitz earns a service fee on some online hotel transactions. There are no service fees for rental car transactions. For all cruise reservations, a non-refundable fee of $19.95 USD will be charged by Orbitz. In addition to any fees assessed by the cruise line, we will also apply a $75.00 USD administrative fee for all cancellations.
Paper Ticket Processing Fee: Certain carriers charge a paper ticket fee of up to $50.00 USD per ticket for you to receive paper tickets, when electronic tickets are available. In addition, Orbitz charges a processing fee of up to $47.00 USD per transaction for paper tickets. The current maximum number of tickets per transaction is nine. Purchasing more than nine tickets begins a new transaction with its own fees. Paper tickets will be delivered to an address you indicate during booking (certain restrictions apply). If your tickets are undeliverable and are returned to Orbitz, there will be an additional $30.00 USD re-handling fee.
Itinerary Changes/Cancellations/Refunds: Itinerary changes, if permitted for the fare, will have a $30.00 USD service fee charged by Orbitz and may have an additional change fee charged by the airline that will vary by market, carrier and specific fare rule.
Bookings by Telephone: Orbitz will add $25.00 USD (non-refundable) to each air ticket booked over the phone.
Airline-imposed fees:
Baggage Fees: Some airlines charge an extra fee each time bags are checked in with that airline. These fees are not included in your total trip cost when purchasing tickets on our site. They are collected by the airline. The airlines’ web sites contain detailed information regarding their baggage policies. For passengers whose tickets are sold as a codeshare flight, operating and/or marketing carrier fees may apply. For details, see the “Frequently Asked Questions” section of the Customer Support tab.
By making reservations on this site, you agree to abide by the policies described herein as well as the Terms and conditions governing your use of this site. Please review these policies from time to time as they are subject to change. For more information also refer to our FAQs.

Retrouvez tous nos articles regroupés par thématique pour préparer votre voyage aux Etats-Unis.

Les Guides

Les auteurs de ce blog travaillent actuellement sur l’écriture d’une série de guides pratiques sur le voyage aux Etats-Unis, qui apportent un regard fort différent et complémentaire par rapport au positionnement des guides touristiques traditionnels. Les 3 premiers ouvrages programmés sont constitués d’un guide sur la gastronomie américaine, d’un guide généraliste sur le voyage aux Etats-Unis, et d’une compilation de circuits détaillés en Floride. Le premier guide sur la gastronomie américaine devrait être disponible début 2012, et celui sur la Floride courant 2012. 

Le Coaching

Enfin, nous essayons de faire profiter les voyageurs de nos conseils via le Blog, et pour ceux qui souhaiteraient un accompagnement beaucoup plus poussé et personnalisé, nous avons lancé fin 2010 une prestation de coaching : nous élaborons pour vous un circuit complètement adapté à l’âge des participants, à vos goûts et attentes et votre budget, un séjour à votre rythme qui vous permettra de découvrir une Amérique authentique, de participer à des évènements typiques très prisés par les américains (manifestation sportive, festivals locaux, rodeo, compétition de barbecue …). Nous vous aiderons également à trouver les meilleurs prix pour vos billets d’avion, la location de votre voiture et vous apprendrons la meilleure façon de se loger à moindre coût. Plus d’information sur la Prestation de Coaching Voyager Aux Etats-Unis.